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Bedeutung des Wortes Advent: Ankunft heißt auf lateinisch adventus, daher kommt der Name Advent. Ist es doch die in den christlichen Kirchen in den Wochen nach den vier Adventssonntagen vor Weihnachten festlich begangene Zeit der Vorbereitung und Erwartung der Ankunft Christi in der Welt. Westliches Kennzeichen dieser weihnachtlichen Vorbereitungszeit sind mancherlei, teilweise noch auf germanische Glaubensvorstellungen zurückzuführende volkstümliche Bräuche. Besonders weit verbreitet ist die Sitte der Adventskalender, Adventskränze, Adventslieder und Adventsgesänge.

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kennt jemand diesen Song?
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Datum der Anmeldung: 10.12.2004
Beiträge: 396
Wohnort: im Himmel

Geschrieben am: 23.11.2006, 23:06    Titel: kennt jemand diesen Song? Top 6574: kennt jemand diesen Song? Antworten & Zitieren

Im Christmas-Forum gibt es eine Anfrage nach einem Song, irgendwie habe ich eine Blockade, aber mir fällt es auch nicht ein:

kann jemand hier helfen?

Zitat:'s a christmas song, kinda faster, and sounds 80's especially in the beginning with the synthesizer sounding stuff lol....
I kow it has words in it from sleigh ride like Giddy-yap giddy-yap giddy-yap let's go
Let's look at the snow
We're riding in a wonderland of snow
Giddy-yap giddy-yap giddy-yap it's grand
Just holding your hand
We're gliding along with the song
Of a wintry fairy land and it has galloping noises in the backgroud...and then it has words from another song maybe winder wonderland? "
In the meadow we can build a snowman
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
He'll say: Are you married?
we'll say: No man
But you can do the job
when you're in town.
Ok and they play it allll the time on the xmas radio stations...and i swear it must be 80's...I can't find the version i want. plus it's like, two songs mixed together. Please help!
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Datum der Anmeldung: 12.11.2006
Beiträge: 168
Wohnort: in der Nähe des schwimmenden Weihnachtsmarktes

Geschrieben am: 24.11.2006, 14:54    Titel: kennt jemand diesen Song? Top 6588: kennt jemand diesen Song? Antworten & Zitieren

Der Song heißt
Winter Wonderland

und hier ist der Text

Sleighbells ring, are you listening?
In the lane snow is glistening
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight,
Walking in a Winterwonderland!

Gone away is the bluebird,
here to stay is a new bird,
He sings a love song, as we go along
Walking in a Winterwonderland!

In the meadow we can build a snowman,
then pretend that he is Parson Brown
He'll say: Are you married?
We'll say: No man - but you can do the job when you're in town.

Later on we'll conspire
as we dream by the fire
to face unafraid the plans that we made
Walking in a Winterwonderland!

Sleighbells ring, are you listening?
In the lane snow is glistening
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight,
Walking in a Winterwonderland!

Gone away is the bluebird,
here to stay is a new bird,
He sings a love song, as we go along
Walking in a Winterwonderland!

In the meadow we can build a snowman,
then pretend that he's a circus clown
We'll have lots of fun with Mister Snowman
until the other kiddies knock him down.

When it snows, ain't it thrilling
tho your nose gets a chill
We'll frolic and play the Eskimo way
Walking in a Winterwonderland!

Liebe Grüße

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Big-Boss-Chef-Wichtel (Spezialrang)

Datum der Anmeldung: 12.09.2005
Beiträge: 1198
Wohnort: Zwischen Abendrot und Morgenrot...Quatsch: Baden-Württemberg Nähe Stuttgart

Geschrieben am: 24.11.2006, 15:14    Titel: seh ich auch so. Top 6590: seh ich auch so. Antworten & Zitieren

die Textzeilen und Fragente sprechen eindeutig für Winter Wonderland
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Datum der Anmeldung: 10.12.2004
Beiträge: 396
Wohnort: im Himmel

Geschrieben am: 26.11.2006, 00:22    Titel: danke! Top 6633: danke! Antworten & Zitieren

hab's weitergereicht in's englische Weihnachtsforum, danke!
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Datum der Anmeldung: 13.12.2006
Beiträge: 1
Wohnort: Hamburg

Geschrieben am: 13.12.2006, 00:20    Titel: Das ist NICHT Winter Wonderland ! Top 7505: Das ist NICHT Winter Wonderland ! Antworten & Zitieren

so meine erste Tat hier ist gleich, mich wichtig zu machen Lachen - aber das gesuchte Lied ist NICHT Winter Wonderland sondern Sleigh Ride... Winken
Hoffe, ich konnte helfen!
Bis denne
Nach oben

Datum der Anmeldung: 05.12.2006
Beiträge: 372
Wohnort: Weihnachtsstadt des Nordens (S-H)

Geschrieben am: 13.12.2006, 04:12    Titel: Text - Slide Ride Top 7506: Text - Slide Ride Antworten & Zitieren

Ha ha ha
Come here
Got a package.....
Wait, wait I know what I want for Christmas
What you want?
I want T-Boz to get me ah, some headphone sets
And I want Left-Eye to make me a, uh, make me a fly dress!
Wee Merry Chistmas from TLC!

Let's have very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year (a happy new year)
Give with love and joy and happiness
And lots of good cheer
I want you to have
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year (a happt new year)
Filled with love and joy and happiness
And lots of good cheers

Just hear those sleigh bells jing-a-ling
Ring-ting-ting-a-ling too
It's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you
Outside the snow is fallin'
And friends are calling yoo hoo!
It's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you


Uh-huh reindeer, present, happiness (yeah right, check it out...)
Giddiup, giddiup, giddiup and away we go
In winter wonderland
Off we ride in the snow (ho ho ho)
With the Left everthing is grand
Sleigh ride if you like me baby
Don't be scared
Take my hand
T to the Left Eye C if you can take a glide
Giddiup the guts and step on up
So we can sleigh ride

Cheeks so nice and rosey
Comfy cosey we're in
We're snuggled up together
Like two birds of a feather would be
So let's take the road before us
Sing a chorus or two
C'mon it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you
Aaahh so let's have a


Um jingle bells, Batman smells
Robin laid a... (yeah right)
Up, up and away
If we're flyin in the sleigh
Home alone Christmas Eve
Make-believe it's time to play
So let's flow on this snow with a snack on my back
Cause Santa's tryin to mack in his Cadillac
Ridin' and a ridin'
But when it gets to decidin'
He's a slippin' and a slidin' in his own sleigh ride

A merry little Christmas
Oh yeah, hey yeah
A merry little Christmas
Oohh oohh

Baby don't you know I'm home
Don't wanna spend the night alone
A very merry Christmas
Would ya wanna spend it with me
It's somethin in the way I care
About the time that we have shared
It's a very merry Christmas
Would ya wanna spend it with me


Let's have a very merry Christmas (ho ho ho)
Nach oben

Kauf der Weihnachtsfamilie ein Getränk
online seit November 2004


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