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Musik_Alex wichtiger-Rentier-Pflege-Wichtel
Datum der Anmeldung: 28.11.2006 Beiträge: 13 Wohnort: Niederrhein
Geschrieben am: 30.11.2006, 17:53 Titel: Jesus Child
Jesus Child
Have you heard the story that they're telling 'bout Bethlehem,
Have you heard the story of the Jesus child?
How he came from heaven and was born in an manger bed?
Mary was his virgin mother pure an mild.
Sing alleluia, brothers, sing alleluia, sisters,
Worship to Jesus child and praise his mother mild.
"Glory to God on high!" the angel hosts above are singing:
Listen to the story of the Jesus child.
Have you heard the story of the poor humble shepherd men,
Sitting on the hillside with their flocks at night?
Suddenly the angel tells them: "hurry to Bethlehem;
Go and find the Jesus child, the world's new light."
Sing alleluia, brothers, sing alleluia, sisters, ...
Jesus child, lying at Bethlehem,
Sleeping safe at Mary's knee,
Save my soul and bring me to paradise,
Let me join the angels singing glory to thee.
Sing alleluia, brothers, sing alleluia, sisters, ...
Have you heard the story of the kings from the orient,
Following the star that's shining over his head?
Offering their precious gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense,
Kneeling with the ox and ass before his bed?
Sing alleluia, brothers, sing alleluia, sisters, ...
Brothers, let us celebrate the birth of the Jesus child,
Sisters, come and welcome him, the new-born King;
Praise the Lord who sent him down from heaven at christmas time;
Young and old and rich and poor, his praises sing.
Sing alleluia, brothers, sing alleluia, sisters, ...
(Words by John Rutter) |
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online seit November 2004
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