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Santabelle wichtiger-Rentier-Pflege-Wichtel
Datum der Anmeldung: 22.11.2005 Beiträge: 10 Wohnort: Nürnberg
Geschrieben am: 23.11.2005, 13:37 Titel: All I want for Christmas is You!
All I want for Christmas is You
I dont want a lot for christmas,
There is just one thing i need,
I dont care about the presents underneath the christmas tree,
I just want you for my own,
More than you could ever know,
Make my wish come true,
All i want for christmas is you!
I dont want a lot for christmas,
There is just one thing i need,
I dont care about the presents underneath the christmas tree,
I dont need to hang my stocking there upon the fireplace,
Santa Clause won't make me happy,
Bringin a toy on Christmas Day,
I just want you for my own ,
More than you could ever know,
Make my wish come true,
All i want for christmas is you!!(Yooouuu Hooo baby)
O,I wont ask a for much this christmas,
I wont even wish for snow,
Im just gonna keep on waitin underneath the mistletoe,
I wont make a list and send it to the north pole for St.Nick,
I wont even stay awake to hear those magic reindeer play,
Cuz i just want you hear tonite,
Holding on to me so tight,
What more can i do,
O, baby all i want for christmas is you!!(Yooouuu Hooo baby),
O the lights are shining so brightly evrywhere,
And the summer childrens laughter fills the air,
And evryone is singin O yeah,
I hear those sleigh bells ringin,
Santa wont you bring me the one i really need,
Wont you please bring my baby to me,
O, i dont want a lot for christmas,
This is all im askin for,
i just wanna see my baby standing right outside my door,
Oh, i just want you for my own,
More than you could ever know,
Make my wish come true,
O baby,All i want for christmas is youuuuuuuuuuuuu |
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online seit November 2004
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